Railway SCS to Relay Rack Interface – JNUP Thales 

Railway SCS to Relay Rack Interface – JNUP Thales  SCS Electronics Rack/Relay Rack Interface * SELTRAC Overview * SCS Electronics Rack Overview * SCS/Relay Rack Interface * ACE/Relay Rack Interface * Reference Documents SELTRAC OVERVIEW   SCS ELECTRONICS RACK OVERVIEW   * Each SCS contains two computers known as ‘INTERSIG A’ and ‘INTERSIG B’. * […]

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Prototype RS Indicator|Point Selection Schematic|Four Foot Points Machine

Prototype RS Indicator|Point Selection Schematic|Four Foot Points Machine •Route secure indicators are mounted at the side of the track and use LEDs to display a route indication to the train operator. •They are not used in normal operations. •They are used after a failure:  to permit failed trains that cannot communicate with the VCC […]

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