Railway Planning for Outdoor Cable requirement

Railway Planning for Outdoor Cable requirement

Railway Planning for Outdoor Cable requirement The requirement of cable conduction is to be determined depending upon the circuits run from CT Room /Relay room function. Separate cable line wise and if necessary, function wise are laid from relay room /CT room to facilitate easy testing of cable without much distraction to the traffic. Cable […]

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Railway Signalling Control Tables Presentation

Railway Signalling Control Tables Presentation

Railway Signalling Control Tables Presentation Railway Signalling Control Tables Presentation Control Tables are to be printed in A3 or A4 size. Criteria for the text size is readability and so A4 size is ok under favorable working conditions but A3 under poor working conditions. On A4 size prints, minimum text size of  2mm is considered […]

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Automatic Train Protection Railway Signalling Equipment

Automatic Train Protection Railway Signalling Equipment What is Automatic Train Protection? *  Automatic Train Protection (ATP) is a safety system which continuously monitors the train performance and speed, and applies the brakes if an unsafe situation should arise, a train is going too fast. *  It will also apply the brakes to stop a train […]

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