Railway Signalling Selection Table Control Table

Railway Signalling Selection Table / Control Table

Railway Signalling Selection Table / Control Table In the relay interlocking systems, the safety of train movements in the yard has to be ensured in the various electrical signaling circuits that are prepared for the system. The circuits, therefore, have to be prepared carefully and meticulously and checked thoroughly from the point of view of […]

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Railway Signalling Control Tables Presentation

Railway Signalling Control Tables Presentation

Railway Signalling Control Tables Presentation Railway Signalling Control Tables Presentation Control Tables are to be printed in A3 or A4 size. Criteria for the text size is readability and so A4 size is ok under favorable working conditions but A3 under poor working conditions. On A4 size prints, minimum text size of  2mm is considered […]

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Railway Dead approach locking,Back locking or route locking

Railway Dead approach locking|Back locking or route locking

Railway Dead approach locking|Back locking or route locking Dead approach locking: It is seen that for providing approach locking, a track circuit for a length of 1,2kms. Need to be provided. Provision of such a long track circuit for the purpose of approach locking is a costly proposition. Therefore, the approach locking is provided without the […]

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