Railway Computer Based Interlocking CBI Track Vacancy Detection

Railway Computer Based Interlocking CBI Track Vacancy Detection Signals Point Machines (i) Computer Based Interlocking (CBI):- The entire line including turn backtrack, transfer track, and sidings will be equipped with CBI system for the operation of points and crossings and setting of routes. The setting of the route and clearing of the signals will be […]

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Railway Signalling Correlation & Correlation Waiver Presentation 

Railway Signalling Correlation & Correlation Waiver Presentation 

Railway Signalling Correlation & Correlation Waiver Presentation  Purpose of Correlation (quotes from NR/L2/SIG/11201 mod A7) Correlation of signalling records and equipment and wiring on site is required to: Check the accuracy of source records prior to any design alteration; To check that records match the actual equipment and wiring at the site they represent. This means […]

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